Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Vintage handbag project........

I have been collecting black vintage handbags for awhile, but couldn't formulate an idea of how to use them until I had this brainstorm while thrifting. I love vintage little stamped metal frames, and thought they would be cool on the bags. (It is hard to find the old ones, so I had to incorporate a few newer ones, but I rubbed black magic marker on the edge and then wiped it off quickly to just highlight the design and give it a more aged look.) I put holes in the back of the frames and wired them to the bag, then added my favorite dried weed....Chinese Tallow!!

I really love how they look in a grouping on my "chocolate milkshake" wall color in my office.
I had so much fun creating these, and love how they turned out...I am going to put snow scenes in them for the Lakewood show coming up and hang them down a tall iron porch rail.

(Figuring out which setting on my camera to use for the best photo is still challenging--this auto setting doesn't show the brown of the wall color.)


Garden Antqs Vintage said...

What an absolutely cleaver idea. I love decorating with tallow berries too.

Unknown said...

What a unique and creative idea! I really like those!

The Charm House said...

This is so cute!!! I have handbags! YEAH!

A Wild Thing said...

Girl, you never cease to amaze me...what a great idea and you can change with the seasons or family, cool is that...I heart your brain!!!

Recaptured Charm said...

What a FANTASTIC idea! How creative you are. I love it!!

bikim said...

Gorgeous and original! great idea to use old stuff!!!
Thanks for sharing a lovely idea!
Take care,

Sea Witch said...

eeUnbelievable! I am always taken aback by your unique eye and sense of creativity. I love this look and what a wonderful way to show off family photos. Swim on over to my blog to see my 100 post giveaways and leave a comment to enter. Sea Witch

trash talk said...

Now that's a show stopper of an idea! How original...course you know it will be copied all over the place, right? The great ideas always are!

The Green Pea said...

You are so cleaver I just love to look at your blog. You inspire me!

vintagesue said...

as always.....YOU ROCK. i love your vision. love, love, love this idea!!
when i had a booth, i would paint those cast off purses with chalkboard pain, take the strap out and add wire and bows and put a chandie prism hanging from the bottom of the purse.
it was a good display to write the name of the booth on or a sale if i was having one!!
thanks for sharing.

red.neck chic said...

Oh my gosh - I LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!! There isn't going to be a handbag safe in my house now!!! Thank You!!!

;-) Robelyn

Unknown said...

You are awesome!!! All about the charm factor and your purses have tons of it!
Happy Autumn Days;)



Janean said...

how stinkin' clever are YOU! sweet.

susan said so said...

What an amazing idea - It never ceases to amaze me how clever and creative people are!

About a month ago we put our house on the market, with an eye to moving into a much smaller house. That meant lots of cleaning out and giving to Goodwill, and when I came across my collection of delicious vintage purses like the ones you used, I'm pretty sure I decided I could let them go. Wouldn't you know it? Oh well, I guess this gives me a good excuse to start collecting all over again!


secret word: mathove

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most creative ideas, it has this old vintage charm about it, now this project is on the top of my to do list. I have some friends that would love this for Christmas, I think I'll use one of their family photos in the frame.
Thank you for sharing, love your blog!

AuroraSuzette said...

I may seriously have to copy this idea!! How original and completely creative. I never have any cool old handbags like that though. Now I may look for some. Thanks!!

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Cute idea!!!! xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

Debra@CommonGround said...

Well, now I know what that weed is growing along my fence! Somehow it sounds and looks better now that it has a name! Your purses are just the cutest. Great collection. I love the little "gold" stamped frames also, I just can't pass them by. You've really got the talent and creativity goin' on here!

Sherrie said...

Absolutely love the pocketbook frame idea. I have a photo of me age two, all dressed up and in a fancy store looking at jewelry and and white photo of course. This is how I am going to frame it. I already have the bag.

time worn interiors said...

Love the purse picture frame idea! You are so clever!

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

That is the coolest idea! Those vintage purses look fabulous!

House and Garden Boutique said...

So love your handbag collection arrangement on the, what a great idea. I have a shop in Woodstock and I'll definately look for your booth at Lakewood 400. We do redesign out of the shop as well as sell gifts. So I am always looking for design ideas.

Grandma Jan said...

I love your handbag idea. I am amazed how some people come up with the best ideas. They look great

Unknown said...

I just love creative!

Candy said...

Just visited junkdreams and she is sharing about this. I absolutely LOVE IT! I am blown away again at clever gals. Thanks for sharing but I have to run now because Janis is racing me to the thrift store for those black purses...............

Kathi said...

This really caught my eye. Love old "pocketbooks"! great idea

Larah said...

Wow! I have never seen such idea! Many thanks for creation this.