Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hall tree........

I finally finished this hall tree, and I'll take it to the shop looks so simple, but it took a few days to get it done 'cuz there's so much trial and error in figuring out what should go where! One of my favorite projects is making these from old wood doors. (The basket at the bottom just hangs on the brackets, and is optional)


The Tattered Cottage said...

WOW! That looks awesome! I just picked up a new "old" door that I posted about. I had a couple of ideas for it, but you have inspired me with your hall tree project! Great Job!
Toni ♥

"B" said...

What a fantastic hall tree!

Anonymous said...

Oooh that looks great! I want I want I want!!!

Prior said...

I love the way you've displayed it! It is a great piece. My son makes similar things from old doors. Lezlee

trash talk said...

I saw Toni's door and if she follows your lead it will be fantastic.
This is amazing. It's so the color and I love all the details you added. You are the queen of the power tools!

Outofmymind said...

It's so BEAUTIFUL!!! Great job.

One Vintage Hag said...

Hi Nancy,

Oh, la la... Loving your creation! But then, I always do.

♥ one vintage hag

One Cheap B*tch said...

This looks gorgeous! I've always wanted of these for my house. Maybe in our next house! Love it!


suzeeez said...

I love the look of your hall tree,
it came out beautiful!

Debby said...

WOW!!! What a beautiful piece!!

Just Past Wonderland said...

This is amazing. Your work is truly inspirational.

Sea Witch said...

Can't wait to see it at the shop. Your new space is shaping up nicely too. Sea Witch

time worn interiors said...

Fabulous! You always make some great stuff!

One Shabby Old House said...

That looks so awesome. Pat yourself on the back. Hey, you mentioned a shop. Where is the shop at?

The Rustic Victorian said...

Awesome! I love it! I am so glad to visit you, meet you. on with lookin!
thanks for stopping in at my place, you cannot be serious,,not know what to do with jars????lol You are too talented to think that.

A Wild Thing said... make my creative juices churn...can't wait to have a work space...the damage I'll do then...WHEW!!!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful creativity. I love this project and you did it beautifully. I love the black color and everything about it. Great job!

That Girl Ang said...

THAT, my dear is awesome! WOW... really beautiful.

junkermidge said...

Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Gorgeous!

countrycharisma said...

OMG! You are on my prayerlist girl! Your faith will get you through! And a loving reminder...God is NEVER late; He is always ON TIME! Blessings, carrell

Cheryl said...

I love this hall tree. I will be back to visit.

Pearl said...

This is the most beautiful hall tree ever! Great job!

RSA Certificate said...
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BB said...

Gosh you are talented!!!

Mammabellarte Rita Reade said...

My favorite! It's practical and feminine. Great work. Ciao Rita mammabellarte