Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Florida Frolic

so glad to be back in the land of palm trees

toes in the sand

enjoying sunsets and silhouettes

 san carlos bay

pretty water vistas

more sunsets

lunch at the green flash on captiva
 shopping at matalacha

boat rides along mangrove shores

banyan trees

shelling on sanibel

tidepool sunrises

  pelicans and seagulls

pine island sound

playful dolphins

winter migrations

manatees at south seas plantation

even more sunsets

useppa island
native orchids

strangler vines--natures art
swamp walks

learning about america's first cowboys--florida's 'cow hunters'--ye haw!

atomic holiday bazaar at historic sarasota municipal auditorium--the site of my very first craft show

where I got to meet etsy celebs adam and coryn of dark cycle clothing 

checking in with athens homeboy greg pemberton at circus city architectural salvage in sarasota

   brocante vintage market in st. pete

and rare hues in tampa

So much to do--so little time!! I just love florida in early december because it's still relatively quiet--in one short month it will seem like a bazillion people are here---at least until april!  

1 comment:

  1. Bello blog ......podria enviarme boletines.....gracias
