Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Booth Evolution

25 x 10 feet is a big space - I feel like a contestant in a design challenge
 wondering how to make this stuff work together
getting the old swing to hang from the post/tree branch arbor took  for-ev-er
 focal point in the back of the booth
I painted this large wall pale gray - perfect for my wallflower lights
such a cool sink
one of my lamp base wire flower ephemera holders

 new wall hatstand
the brass stencil letter lampshade made a good focal point in the front
by far the hardest part was climbing a shaky ladder to hang chains from the 12' ceiling to hold my rusty chandelier collection


Susie said...

That booth looks so exciting. I would love to go there. My sisters and I are going to a fair in our home town this weekend. If we lived closer, we would come there. Smiles, Susie

Gayle said...

It all looks amazing.....wish I could "pick ' around in it for a bit. Right now I am having a serious case of sink envy. SERIOUS!!!!!!

NanaDiana said...

So far- so good! It looks wonderful bu tthe big old ladder sounds kind of scary! Can't wait to see even more- xo Diana

A Wild Thing said...

Girl, you got the look, I've finally got a day off to visit with ya before I head out to the bean patch. The booth looks great as I knew it would, don't have much time for antiquing these days, but still dreamin of it and OUR Florida!

Sea Witch said...

As always, a visual feast. I WANT that sink. LOL. Where is your booth located. I must make a pilgramage. Sea Witch

Kim said...

wooooohhooooooo oooooooh I love it. You done good, girl!

Shabby Brocante, Karen said...

What I wouldn't give to wander through your booth! Amazing. I am you newest follower! Can't wait for the ride!!!! Going to explore your Etsy shop too. I'll add you to my circle!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! I knew you were talented, but this TOTALLY takes the cake!

Can I get an AMEN? AMEN!