Friday, July 16, 2010

July show photos......

Lakewood show is underway, and we're thankful for our sales today---the summer months are unpredictable, so we never know what to expect.

These corbels sold in advance, and I already regret not keeping them! What was I thinking? Those would have been killer on my mantle....this business can really be torture!!

Martha's cool punch cups on polka dot ribbon really made the gazebo area shine!! They just didn't photograph very well......but her French design ice cream table set looks so cute....

The corbel mirror will soon reside in a General's home (he's currently in Afganistan, but retiring soon)! I'm very proud.......and thankful for the technology of the camera phone!

I had this junk garden at the last show, and loved how the Sedum bloomed right in time for this show!

I'm loving this green concrete piece of Martha's..........oh the torture!


  1. I am going to come to Lakewood! You have the coolest stuff and I always get so many ideas from you. Hope you have an awesome blow it out the door kind of weekend...record sales and that it gives you loads of cash to come to Tampa and visit the shop I am in :) Hugs

  2. Beautiful booth... I know what you mean about selling the corbels - I frequently have "seller's remorse" :)


  3. I just can't think of all the great stuff that has slipped through my grubby lil' paws...what we do for a buck...oh, the torture!!!

    Love it all, as usual!!! We need therapy!!!

  4. So many pretties. I especially love the junk garden. Good luck with your sales.

  5. You all have the best stuff! I am so glad I live so far away. I would go broke in a place like that!

  6. So gorgeous!
    I would absolutely LOVE to shop there, I see so many amazing treasures. :-)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. I am so impressed with your things. They look so great in your display! I can see why those corbels sold so quickly~they are awesome. Glad to hear you are having a great show. Wish I lived closer!

  8. I can see why you wish you had kept those corbels for yourself! They are fabulous!!!

  9. I agree this game can be torture....I often find I forget that I actually own something before I sell it...some how the goodies we get never seem quite to be mine as I know they are just passing through my's a strange business, love all your treasures cheers katherine

  10. Your booth looks awesome. You have some wonderful finds there.

    I know what you mean about seller's remorse. Oh well, it gives us drive to go out and find more cool stuff.

    Have a great show!

    Happy Hunting,

  11. Wonderful pictures with beautiful items in the pictures and so creatively arranged. Wish I was there.

  12. I found you through ChiPPy!-SHaBBy! I just love your metal flowers! I will definitely add you my blog list and will be visiting often, Tamara @atreasuredpast

  13. OMG, I am so excited about you taking that space at Queen of Hearts. YOU WILL DO FANTASTIC. I am also thrilled to be able to meet you. Small world this blog venue. QOH is very very lucky to have you in their mall. You have such a quality and level of artistic value that will bring much to this location. Thanks for your comments on my post...can't wait to finally meet you. Sea Witch

  14. Thanks for sharing pics of your booth and Martha's. I love your creative vision. I'm still enjoying the pieces I have purchased from you. Hope I can catch a show soon. My daughter's August wedding is soon approaching so I am totally consumed with preparations. Thanks for stopping by!
    Hugs, Gerri
    p.s. love your new profile pic :D

  15. Hey Nancy, thanks for quick response. I just posted. Havent been blogging much because of horse show travels, and working on web site whenever possible. I just published it so when you get a chance, check it out. I forgot Nashville was this weekend. We have shows both Fri. and Sat. nite, but they are local. I may get to go. Fri. is best day. Are you going? Also, are you familiar with the hwy.127 yard sale, goes thru 5 states? It is coming up in Aug. you would love it. I dont go every yr. because of horse shows, but friends always find truck loads. It has been featured on HGTV in past. If your not familiar, email me and I can tell you about it
    Your booth looks great at Lakewood. Love your cups hanging up, reminds me of crystal bracelet with big drop beads. LOL. that was a weird comparison! Oh well, like it anyway, and mirror is super too.
