Friday, May 28, 2010

The thrift experiment......

On the trip down to FL to visit my Mom, I always break up the tedious drive with backroads and junkin. Well, this time we (Martha came with me--she is the queen of thrifty shoppers) decided to stick to thrift stores and only buy things we can get "dirt cheap"! Everything in these pictures cost from .25 cents to a few dollars --with a couple of exceptions.

The problem was that it soon became evident that even in the middle of NOWHERE the thrift stores now think they can charge HUGE prices for everything!!! This blows my mind!

So we checked out some antique stores too, and that's where I found this mother load of old hardware in the below pic. The nice man who owns the shop invited us down to his basement filled with treasures (someday we'll go missing) where we spent the next hour blissfully rummaging around. I LOVE vintage hardware, and I came away with a big box of it for very little money. I'm imagining all sorts of collage projects using these treasures....

Below is the other junk (I passed up tons of great stuff that was not in my "dirt cheap" price range) that I got only because I had a definite plan for all of it, and it cost very little--some will be made into the tin flowers I took orders for at the last show--and some will go into the junk gardens. (I bought the wood pieces because they were .50 cents)

(I have no idea why I liked this photo so much, but it gives me an idea for a future project.....)

SO, while it seems everyone else finds great stuff in thrift stores, I can't say that I do----I find better stuff these days in antique shops in out of the way places--they seem to have given up charging high prices, and are just dumping stuff because of the economy---of course there are always those that charge too much, and seem OK with never selling anything in their museums!


  1. I always see blogs that say what a great deal they found at thrift shops, not in my area, They can be higher than some antique shops, They need to stop watching the Antique Road show.. Glad you found alot of great junk, now I can't wait to see what it becomes.


  2. So glad you and Martha had such a productive trip,I agree thrift stores think if it is old it is worth a mint and more and more antique stores are pricing reasonable.Hope all was well with your Mom See you at Lakewood

  3. Enjoyed popping in on your latest junking adventure. Do you have a website? I didn't see anything on your blog. Your handmade goodies look great from the photos! I am going to try and go to the Antiques Market in Cummings....just down the road a bit. Thanks for popping in on my blog...maybe we will meet some time!

  4. Cool stuff! I've been moving my studio from one room to another and going through all my junk! Tons of small stuff everywhere! Don't know if I'll ever get it all put back together!

  5. Same here. It really depends on the day of the week here or where the thrift store is located. My Goodwill's prices are crazy and I see a lot of bloggers getting really super deals!


  6. Lots of fun goodies- I just love when I find hardware and misc junk for collage and assemblage!

  7. I shop thrift stores all the time. However, in just this last year, thrift store prices have sky rocketed! I don't understand! I agree with you, I can find cheaper things in better places!

  8. I couldn't agree with you more-St Vinny's and Goodwill where I live are getting crazy with the prices of their old stuff!! But you sure managed to find a great load of cool stuff--GOOD for you!! Julie

  9. neato! i have some junky things i cannot part with.

  10. Great stuff! I love your blog and the inspiration it gives me. We are kindred spirits!!! I have two spaces in a great antique mall here in Abilene, Texas, so I am always junking and going to garage and estate sales in our area. This time of year the weekends are packed with dozens of sales. So fun!

  11. OH my goodness, you lucky duck- i love all those little sale tags for stores, so cute, i remember those at the grocery store when i was little, and i love that photo of that woman or girl i guess, Just became a Follower of yous, you have quite the Eye my friend- i will be back to see what you do with those cool items-

  12. Alabama Thrift stores are the same way...gets my goat. But it seems to sell. It is not there the next time I go. I have noticed that most junk shops have more prices I like....

  13. Oh, my goodness...your site is glorious! I just came across it when I was on My Desert Cottage, and I'm hooked. Thrift stores, repurposing and treasure hunting are my passions, even if those I love don't always realize what is and isn't a treasure!
    I've joined up to follow your site and will visit often...there's so much to see. My own blog is in its infacy, but when it grows up, I hope it's a close relative of what you've done here. Thanlks for the inspirtation!

    Lynette Killam

  14. now i miss junking in georgia and florida. so much cool stuff. i can't wait to see what you do with it all. i KNOW it will be awesome!!!!!!
    i know what you mean about folks trying to get rich selling their junk. lower those prices and LET IT GO. lol.
    good luck with your projects.

  15. I often wondered what it would be like if someone was reading my blog and the background changed...ha ha...I tried this one too a while we have constant change on the back roads of our minds...have fun!!!


  16. Ok, that looks like it was a fantastic thrift experience!! Hugs, Janna

  17. Oh - I'm with you... I can't afford my thrift stores either!!! When did they get more expensive than the dreaded Wal Mart?!!?

    Okay - LOVE the tureen in your pile of good stuff (dishes... ALL the photos are good stuff. LOL) that is just gorgeous!!!

    I think you found some FANTASTIC things!!!

    ;-) robelyn

  18. Great finds!!!

    Thanks for showing us around.


    barbara jean

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