Thursday, September 4, 2014

Life interrupted

Only Marilyn could pull this look off.  The sudden addition of crutches to my frenetic schedule has thrown me into a zombie state. Dealing with life sans any routine work or activity, let alone hope of golf, zumba, traveling/pickin', or workshop projects has been a startling reality check. Long story short...sports injury = torn calf muscle. Who knew it would render one so helpless, with months of PT and rehab needed to just walk normally again? I sure didn't, or I wouldn't have been diving for the ball that day (pickleball specifically....the "fastest growing sport in the country" and maybe the fastest growing source of sports injury--according to the phys. therapist). Wake-up call: staying active and healthy does not automatically mean injury-free. I'm just grateful I don't need surgery and that I'm kind of starting to walk a bit after weeks of hell. I know others have it far worse so I'm officially over this pity-party (now that I've played my 'blog-for-therapy' card). If only I could figure out how to make crutches look more glamorous!   (p.s. I'm not sure about the upcoming fall show schedule...we'll see how it goes)

1 comment:

  1. That sucks! Hope you feel better soon and healing is quick.
