Sunday, June 2, 2013


If you find yourself cruising the north Georgia backroads...AND if you are heavy into junk-spotting... not miss this FUNKIEST of all funky places:  OLD CAR CITY USA
Located a few minutes south of White, Ga on 411...
...this place has '4500 vintage cars spread over 34 acres'.
You just wander around the maze of overgrown paths (you'll probably get lost but no worries--you'll eventually find your way out) viewing the rusty, reposing residents of this unique junkyard 'museum'.
It's an amazingly surreal scene as the vegetation seems to envelop and nurture these forgotten beauties of times past.
Every turn provides the perfect photo op.
You'll quickly become rust-drunk...but press just gets better and better.
This one has to be my favorite....the face-like grimace is priceless.
Patina, patina, patina.....
.....and more PATINA!
You can tell how long these cars have been here by how the trees have grown THROUGH them....some are completely surrounded by trees.
Vintage car parts abound, but none are for sale...darn it!
Photographers come from all over the world to snap the perfect old car photos. 
The folk-artsy signs provide bits of wisdom and humor along the way.
'Jungle' is right...bring your bug spray!
Aside from the fun of seeing the cool old cars, taking a leisurely nature walk, and getting great photos....I especially enjoyed thinking about how someone got creative (and downright brave) enough to start charging people 15 bucks a head just to wander around their junkyard!!
 (I can just imagine this guy sitting around with a few buddies drinkin' beer, and him saying: "I'm gonna charge people to walk through my junkyard." I bet he got big laughs....but he must be laughing all the way to the bank now, since the place was filled with us crazies who paid that.....AND ENJOYED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!


  1. love it! my husband would be in heaven and so would I...he would want to buy one though!boy if I ever get a chance to go down there I am stopping at that junk yard! what a great photo opportunity! :O)

  2. That's the kind of backroad that my hubby and I would like to take.

  3. OMGosh- My hubby would be right there telling me something about EVERY ONE Of them. His Dad was a car collector. Diana

  4. I would absolutely love to see all this in person !!! If I lived near there...that would be the place I would take all my friends. xoxo,Susie

  5. You're right! That dude is genius!
    It's pretty amazing though. Great pictures!

  6. Helloooo Nancy!*!*!
    LoVe these old Cars... Trucks... with PaTiNa!*!*!
    Great Post!!!
    Hugs - Jeanine Burkhardt

  7. OMG I'd LOVE visiting and Exploring this place!!! This must be where Old Fab Cars and Trucks go to die... Car Heaven on Earth!? *Winks* If The Man were Well enough to Travel I'd feel a Road Trip Excuse coming on... *Smiles*

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  8. HOLY YARD cool is that, what a fun place to wander through.

    Guess what, my mom is moving back to Iowa, it's time, she's 83...but that won't stop my dreamin' of road trippin'...right!

  9. What a fun trail to take. You always find the coolest places. Hope everything is going well with you and your family.

  10. Where in the world did you find this place? I am so in love it is not even funny. The “Hitthem in the wenner” sign had me laughing hysterically. The man who decided to start charging is a genius. I would pay to see this.

  11. Hi Nancy! Oh my gosh, the old cars are awesome! I will have to show my husband, and make that trip! It looks like a history lesson in one place! Hope you are doing well; looks like busy as usual with your creations. We sold our house and still working on the log cabin, hopefully finished by August. Blessings your way!

  12. I enjoyed the walk thanks

    American Pickers needs to see those old cars and trucks
    also Junk Monkeys

  13. Love the quotes...they made my day!
