Saturday, August 11, 2012

A little wander

finally squeezed in a long-overdue Georgia backroads wander -- it's been too long (thanks to exorbitant gas prices my trips have been greatly curtailed)
today's wander eventually led to downtown Conyers, a place i have never visited before
and the adorable little antique shop "Sadie's Antiques and Uniques"
which is filled with exceptionally cool vignettes
and also filled with true 'uniques' like this upcycled gas pump nozzle lamp
and....this "alien life form detector"!!   (really?)
the biggest surprise was stepping into this pretty booth and seeing one of my own creations!!  i made (and sold) this chicken wire dress form several years ago
of course it can't be a backroads wander without a little southern architectural dereliction (complete with chipmunk on the front step)

 this faded beauty sits quite near town
in all her shrouded elegance
favorite pick of the day? this wonderful old fiberglass speedboat! love it!


  1. That very first photo is genius. I love it, you should get it matted and framed and enter it in the next local juried art show. Love it! Connie :)

  2. What a charming little place I sure hope someone makes it a place to live again! Thanks for the very cool tour around, I've missed your posts like this!

  3. Looks like you had a nice adventure to that little town. Love the pictures. Smiles,Susie

  4. Must put that town on my place to visit~looks so charming! LOVE your posts on small towns~~it's a FAV! From one sweetie to another~~~Roxie

  5. the last time I was in Conyers was in 1974. I guess it is time to revisit. Pretty little southern town.
