Thursday, May 3, 2012

Still experimenting........ this new and allegedly improved Blogger format certainly takes some getting used to!

 After loading photos backwards for 4 years, it's downright weird to load them normally! But what the hey, at least it's allowing me to insert words now!

 Anyway.....this project above (the before photo didn't load at all) was a large broken mirror with cool metal birdie/branch frame that I found for under 10.00. 

I just removed the broken bits of mirror (thankfully it had a lovely backing board--no having to get out the jigsaw!) and painted the wood with multiple coats of blackboard paint to make a quick and simple chalkboard--easy-peasy! (a rare occurrence in my projects....usually I spend hours finding just the right screw or re-doing something endlessly in search of perfection!)

 I love this new/old hat I just found to display on my hatstands! (I keep trying to phase these hatstands out, but still get requests for them)

When collaging found objects, you never know what will emerge!! A wood side panel from a table, an old silver teapot, metal hair curler thing (for a perch), rusty hinge and a few house numbers = a funky new home (that even drains) for your favorite feathered friend!

And...after shuffling around rusty old fireplace screening for years.....I finally just cut the thing up and made a funky bird's nest.

(Hmmm....I wonder why all my photos look smaller than before, and why is Blogger centering this text under the last photo only?? Baby steps in figuring this out, right? 


  1. YOU are a brave, brave girl. I am still clinging to the old blogger in hopes they will leave it in place for dummies like me! lol

    LOVE your chalkboard. Very, very cool. xo Diana

  2. What adorable ideas. I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE the chalkboard EX-mirror! That was a fabulous find to work with.
    Have a wonderful weekend,


  3. I'm sooo glad to hear someone else is having trouble with the "new improved" blogger.....I just gave up, I haven't posted in 2 months! Seriously, I just don't need that much frustration in my life, especially from a computer!!....

    Love, love, love all your projects, you are so creative!

  4. Nancy I need the bird chalkboard for the kitchen. Love it!

  5. Hahaha...yeah, blogger can be frustrating...I haven't been doing much blogging of late, just raun out of time...btw, I hate working with chickenwire, but the results are always so cool! Love the mirror!

    Still Florida dreamin, just no time...sigh, I'll just have to enjoy it threough you...for now...:)

  6. Your Birdie Framed Chalkboard - B*E*S*T...
    LoVe It!*!*!
    Jeanine Burkhardt
