Friday, March 23, 2012

Makin' stuff......

Yay! My new wire mirror stand sold within a few hours of listing it!
And coincidentally, shipped to a home near the beach where I hang out in Sarasota!! Small world!

The purses with photo frames are still being requested, so I'll keep making them until I run out of it's great fun to experiment with all sorts of display options! (I especially love the way they look in a wall grouping!)

More wire........I use wire nests in a number of projects, but am starting to list them alone on Etsy....we'll see how they do. (there is more work in them than you would think - hello carpal tunnel, my old friend)

Making lights out of metal anything is very addicting!! The flat Purina chicken feeder sold quickly!

Wood, iron, wire.....and lots of funk went into my new wall collage.
Again....endless display fun!
Makin' stuff is such creative therapy......and if I could accomplish even a fraction of the ideas I have brewing in my head, there would be 50 projects in these pics, instead of 5!!


  1. I am always so inspired by your work. The pieces are amazing, no wonder they are selling so quickly.

    Enjoy your weekend, Tam x

  2. That mirror is just too adorable, I'm sure whomever bought is going to cherish it always. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Wow, What a creative imagination. I love to see how people think. Very good. Smiles, Susie(She Junks)

  4. You have been a busy lady!! Love your new creations!!! I can see why the mirror sold so quickly! So sorry I have not gotten back to you. Seems like we have been on a whirlwind since Christmas, and now we have decided to sell our farm!!! I must call you. blessings, carrell

  5. Hey sassy girl. Sure do miss seeing all that treasure you create and display now that you are out of QOH. But, I can see your goodies on Esty. Wishing you good junkin. Sea Witch
