Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Not your grandma's craft show....."

While in Florida a few weeks ago, my trip just happened to coincide with this cool 'Indie Craft' event being held at my old stomping grounds - the site of my early craft show beginnings - the Sarasota Municipal Auditorium.
Major Deja Vu!! How thrilling to be back in the historic venue where my journey into marketing began, and see a hip new generation embrace and run with the "craft" thing and create such great products made from fresh new perspectives - and most wonderful of all - the consciousness of recycling.

This event is the brain child of the artist and promoter Adrien Lucas who excels in advancing cool new trends in the indie craft market. (Her promotional ad pics were so creative....that's Adrien herself in the promo pics above!)

Many of the crafters exhibiting at the show are also fellow Esty sellers, and all of the show and product pics can be seen in this Flickr collection, or on Adrien's site link above.

It's one thing to sit and scroll through the enormous offerings of new products on Etsy, but to see them in person at the shows and meet the crafters was just.....better! I loved how they didn't go insanely over the top with their displays like we always felt the pressure to do! Simplicity.....how refreshing!!

I'm so glad this chance encounter set ablaze again the tiny flicker of creativity left in me after the exhausting fall shows!

(**Try googling 'indie craft' or 'salvage art' and check out all the new shows, shops and events that are popping up across the country! It's really getting exciting......again!!)


  1. It does look like something I would like to experience.
    I love craft shows but have to admit some times I get that old feeling of same old, same old, PLEASE show me something new!

  2. Yayyyy, sumthin new, 'bout time, I'm so over it all, need some new, fresh ideas that don't require so much staging...this could be fun, I'm gonna checkum out!

    Still Florida dreamin'!!!

