Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Barn Horses Feeling Fresh After Storm

This video was sent to me by my good friends Charlie and Jenny who board their horses at Silver Cloud Farm on 81 in Walnut Grove.

During the ice storm last month the horses were stuck inside for many days and couldn't be turned out, and this video was taken as the horses were let out for the first time after being cooped up.

They seem timid at first, and then really get rolling!! Jenny's horse "Wawa" is the cute little paint up on her back legs showing off.


  1. WOW!! So beautiful! Man God created such a wonderful world!!

  2. Loved the video of the horses. Magnificant.
    Anne xx

  3. I love this video!......the music is perfect as well

  4. Oh, I can't catch my breath. This was beautiful and amazing and I hope it goes viral because it SHOULD! Oh, man what a feeling. I know how those horses feel!! Thank you for this. It was wonderful. - Kathy

  5. Well that was right up my ally! I loved it! The horses were great, and what fun they were having. Thanks.

  6. Beautiful, thanks for sharing. That's what I'll be doing when I get to Heaven. Running free!

  7. Pure joy to watch. Love the horse who insisted upon rearing high. Sea witch
