Friday, October 22, 2010

Country Living Fair--Atlanta

For the very first Atlanta CL Fair--held at Stone Mountain-- I came with my son and daughter-in-law (veterans of the huge Yellow Daisy Festival held in this same location), and my two adorable punkin's.

It was pretty crowded when we got there, and I couldn't get any pictures of, or even GET INTO, some great booths......but these were the best pics I could shoot---- that didn't include the backside of a bunch of people!

I loved "French Vanilla"'s booth....

...especially the repurposed lighting....

....and I really enjoyed meeting Jeanne of Junxtaposition.....(oops, I guess I did get the backsides of some people)

Below are two of the sweetest girls from the jewelry booth "twist style"...

A unique vendor new to me was "Happy Chair"by Shawna Robinson (former race car driver) shown below in the apron (my daughter-in-law Devon is getting her card for me). She had some really unique, collaged fabric upholstered pieces.

There was Christmas, and Halloween....

(I liked the below banner with the lettering on burlap.....)
....and lots of primitive handmades (deja vu.....this is stuff we did 25 years ago??)

Kayla and I loved the fairy gardens...especially the Halloween one below....
Breaktime!! My son Matt, with Jaden and Kayla found a place to rest a minute.....
I couldn't get near several booths.....especially "Findings" (when you've been a dealer for so many years you're not as patient 'cuz you usually get to see everything before the show starts!) but I really enjoyed the "Earth Angels" booth-----although I didn't take pics 'cuz I felt like they wouldn't appreciate people taking pics of their artwork (even though just about everyone at our show takes pictures of our stuff) , and I was surprised to find that there were a lot of antiques which were reasonably priced....for the most part!


  1. Looked like a great show hope you are going to do it next year they will love your stuff,loved the deja comment,please tell Martha I'm sorry I forgot the board she will know what I'm talking about see you next month

  2. Girl...I'll look at people's front sides or backsides as long as there is some good junk to go along with 'em!
    Wonderful stuff. I just have to laugh at the gourds...not because they're funny, but beacause it's true...what goes around comes around.
    Loved Peg and Jon's stuff!

  3. Oh, that looks wonderful! Would love to have gone.

  4. Nancy, thanks so much for the tour at Country Living Fair. I wanted to go so much, but we have been going and going and just have to choose. Glad I got a glimpse through your eyes. Know it had to be loads of fun.

    I appreciate so much your ideas for the master bedroom. I really like the color idea too. Not sure if my husband will, since my daughter has a similar color in her MB and he is not crazy about it. We will see. I am so sick of the old museum look we started with here. Really looks like "old peoples" house to me anymore. LOL.
    Know it has to be a change to have a full time job outside your creative job. Hope your hubby found new job too. I have started making jewelry and getting some pieces in shops and online. New venture. Will do a post of some of the pieces soon. Working in Sterling silver and stones. Hope to get to where I can do casting, but need more equipment.
    Take care and email me sometime. blessings, carrell

  5. OMG!*!*! ~The Trunk... and the black architectural fragment - just my kind of things...
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  6. Great show! We used to live in Marietta, and I remember one show we went to in the fall was so hot the tents were like little ovens! Loved seeing all your great photos!

  7. Looks like so much fun. can you give me "Happy Chairs" information? Blog or website? Her stuff looks AMAZING!

  8. Thanks for sharing the pics! I had planned on going with my daughter, but we've had so much going on (and still going on) that we had to drop a few planned trips. Hopefully we can attend the show next year.
    Glad you had a good time! :)

  9. Wasn't the Country Living Fair just marvelous? I loved it, especially the Earth Angels tent! I live in Cumming, GA. You must tell me some goody places to shop for vintage stuff???? Thanks.
