Monday, April 26, 2010

Road Trip continued........Nashville Flea Market

This place has become my favorite destination on the 4th weekend of the month. Word is that the fairgrounds where this is held has been sold for a convention center and the shows will end by late this year. That is so sad, because it's a real old fashioned flea market, with a great antiques section, as well as anything else you could want (a dozen Titelist golf balls are 2.00).

Shoulda bought that mannequin and the door holding her up, but the truck was already loaded!

(Just in case you live in a cave and missed this---you can click on the pictures to enlarge them)

I could have filled 10 trucks this month since there were more dealers set up for the April show. The booths are spread out over a large area, and you really need comfy shoes and a cart--some prices are high and some low....but it is always interesting, especially if you like architectural.

Above is the booth of Cindykay...nostalgia*gal...and below is her partner Charlie's booth.


  1. what a fantastic road trip. I'm jonsing to find a few old doors and I'm gonna have to get out and do one of these kinds of trips to find them. Always love your road trips, you find the neatest things.
    Thanks also for your kind words on my anny post. Sea Witch

  2. Great Pics!!! I did indeed see a few shabbies I would have tossed in my car too... Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  3. All those industrial looking stools would have jumped in my van...and those tall plant stands in picture #7. This looks like another market I'd love to visit - thanks for the great photos!
    Jan - Gracie's Cottage

  4. What great pics you got of the flea, Nancy. I believe you may have to get a larger van...maybe a uhaul! ;-) Yes, I've heard the flea market is closing, too. Surely they will find another location.

  5. I love, love, triple love that industrial table with folding legs(?)! The hard part looks to be deciding what to buy.

  6. Looks like a lot of good stuff. I am so ready for summer, to be freed of my kid chauffering to sports events and hitting some fleas!

  7. Yikes!!! Look at all the yumminess..I wish I were travelling with you. Great post.

  8. Craig went to the flea market this weekend! I was down in my back, so I stayed home!! :( But he got some cool stuff! Thank goodness for picture phones!

  9. Great photos of all the great stuff, I had to enlarge to oogle them. I think the manny may be related to Anne's (Fiona and Twig). They look alike in the face. ha ha! I always love coming over here to get the best inspiration!

  10. What great stuff and great pics!
    Too bad you couldn't grab the mani...she looks a bit like the mama to MY new mani!

    Have a wonderful week!

  11. Hi, what a kick! Someone emailed me that you took pictures of my spaces at the Nashville Flea Market.

    Your pictures- number #6 and #7 is mine and my partner Charlie's spaces. What fun to find on your blog!

    I am also laughing as I took just about the same pic's to post about later.

    Best regards, cindykay

  12. I think I'm going to need a mop for all of the drool that is all over my laptop!

    Keep your fingers crossed that they find a new place to set up so your wonderful shopping can continue.

    Happy hunting,

  13. Hi Nancy! Looks like you had another good trip. We were in PCB,Fla. for a horse show all week and didn't get to go to flea mkt. It really is a fun one. Glad you are enjoying picking there. Maybe next month I can work at meeting you there! Take care, Carrell

  14. Awesome stuff, I picked a similar paned door out of the trash yesterday...better git ta pickin', big trash pick-up all this week...wish me luck!!!

  15. really great blog well done :)

    please take a look at my music blogs

    Rory x
