Doesn't Vanilla look cute trying to "help" me organize my vintage photo collection?
~It's all about the thrill of the hunt and cruisin' backroads searching for rusty gold. Rummaging for cool pieces of antiquity is only part of the adventure. Next comes the challenge of re-purposing into new creations with updated functionality. Favorite finds are architectural iron, wood salvage, industrial, lighting fixtures, automobilia, farm salvage, and old hardware. But the real story, which always transcends the pickin', is about the interesting people and the unique places discovered along the way!~
I LOVE your strawberries! And the "fairie" lamp shade is too cute for words as is your adorable girl playing with your pics :D
BeSt-Ever BIRD CAGE!*!*! Great Inspiration... Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!
I love seeing your great projects.
I just posted some pics of some great old things I brought home a couple of days ago. Take a look if you have a chance.
Blessings to you.
Love your strawberries...reminds me of the little "make-dos" and speaking of reminding...your cute birdcage reminds me of a hornet's nest. How 'bout some little bees attached to it. Wouldn't that scream spring?
You're so fun! Happy Spring fever...glad you got your bounce back ;)
deb @ garden party
I love love love the wire cloche. Great creations! Janna
Do you ever rest! Lol! Creating is such fun! Love it all!
I only wish I had as many vintage photos. Amazing collection. Also, I love the wire bird you did on your previous post. It is adorable.
I'm loving what you're doing with "junk"- so much inspiration- you're a magician with wire. Glad to have found your blog.
Thanx for the touch of spring. Your blog is fun to read!
Happy birthday Ma!!! Take me with to Sarasota...OK...my Ma has a birthday coming up on the 25th...wish I could afford the trip to drive down...
Boy are we on the same page, I made strawberry jam this morning from my frozen berries and played with the rusty chicken wire this afternoon for some funky cloches...I may have to keep some of these for my garden...
You've been a busy lil' bee...guess the juices are flowing aye!!!
See ya!
Love your "projects"! Did you make the chicken wire items yourself? Also adore the pictures of you Mom.
I'm watching the snow, but feel like spring!
I love the strawberries! Looking forward to 400 next week.
Smiles, Andra
Love all the wire.
Saw those dress forms some time ago somewhere, maybe even here?
Have wanted to make one but never got to it.
Love what you are doing with them.
barbara jean
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