Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Butter pat bouquet

OK, I really need to step away from the wire! (It's my favorite medium to work with, but the Lakewood show stars Friday, and I need to get packing!)


  1. I LUV this idea, I may have to borrow, but changing ever so slightly, you may want to try it too, by using broken bits of plates that have floral designs.

    I love the look, you did good girl, I also love to play with the wire...can we have too much fun???

    and good luck at the show!!!

  2. Oh please don't step away from the wire! We luv your ideas. Thanks for sharing.

  3. How do you do that with the wire? I am in awe !

  4. I have to ask. What guage wire is that?

  5. Ditto Kelly's question, what gauge wire do you need to hold up the plates?

  6. Lovely bouquet! You are so creative with the wire projects...love them all!

    Good Luck at the show!


  7. This is adorable. What gauge wire do you use? Have a fun show! Oh I see that question has been asked, oops!

  8. Do you sell these wire masterpieces? I would love to have several for my butter pats!Do you ever come to Texas for any show's??

  9. How clever and how cute! You are soooo artistic! laurie

  10. I hope I am doing this right ... I just want you to know how much I love your blog ... I'll be vising 'a lot'.
    Betty's corner of the world.

  11. you are the wire queen. put on your 19 gauge crown and smile at the junking world!!!!! your butter pats are absolute innovative pure creativeness...does that make sense??? i adore your style!!! you have such talent!!! good luck at the show...

  12. you are the wire queen. put on your 19 gauge crown and smile at the junking world!!!!! your butter pats are absolute innovative pure creativeness...does that make sense??? i adore your style!!! you have such talent!!! good luck at the show...

  13. Hi Nancy, thanks for the nice comment about the farm. This is the time of year I REALLY enjoy it. Guess my blogging will hurt, but just have to be out all I can. Digging in the dirt, pruning bushes, brushing and riding the horses,...it all becons me! I think that butter pat bouquet on you blog is just the cutest and most clever thing I've seen. you just burst with ideas! I don't have a plan for the next show, although I have plenty of inventory. Just sent a really nice white stepback cupboard to the antique mall where I used to have a booth. Maybe I ought to do Lakewood! Have a great weekend. I am finally going to Florida!

  14. Love your wire things. Those look like little hands around those plates.

    Will you ever teach us how to do some of that??

    Blessings and hope the show goes well.

    Barbara Jean
