Looks like a shark, but these are really dolphins!!
I got a chance to go down and see my Mom in Sarasota after the Crabapple show, and while I was taking my early morning run down the beach, I was thrilled to see the dolphins playing very close to shore!!
I've never seen them so close and shallow! By the time I got back and into the water they were farther out, but it reminded me of the times when we would swim in the cove off the marina in the evening when the dolphins were there. (We were always told that there would not be sharks around if there were dolphins).
This is amazingly just a dozen yards off the beach. I will never get tired of seeing the dolphins, and always look for them when I am there. (I REALLY want to be a mermaid when I grow up and hang out with these guys all day!!)
I love these pictures of my Mom on the beach------she certainly appears to be the center of attention....and her hat is so cool!! (miss you already Ma)